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Roy Cummings

Roy Cummings is the editor of Florida Health Care News. He came to the publication in 2018 following a 33-year tenure as a sportswriter with the Tampa Tribune. During his time covering sports, Roy was the Tampa Tribune’s primary beat reporter covering the Tampa Bay Lightning (1990-1999) and the Tampa Bay Buccaneers (1999-2016). During that time, he also contributed to several national publications, including The Hockey News, The Sporting News, and Pro Football Weekly. He was twice named Florida Sports Writer of the Year (2008, 2010) by the National Sportscasters and Sportswriters Association.

Latest Articles:

A Faster Path To Knee Recovery

The roots of endurance horseback riding were planted more than 100 years ago, when six experienced equestrians set out to prove that they could do what the pony express once did and complete a 100-mile run from Nevada to California in less than a day. In the years since, endurance riding has evolved into an international sport, but as longtime... READ MORE >

The Power of Personalized Care

On the days when Hazel Cox dredges up the strength to hop into her car and spend a few hours tooling around her old neighborhood, Belmont Heights, someone is in for a good day. “I love to make people happy, so if I see a young lady I’ll stop and ask, Do you want to look pretty today?” Hazel relates.... READ MORE >

Dentures Earn A Smile Of Approval

Come September, snowbird Deborah Desforges will tolerate the 20-hour drive from Massachusetts to Florida, where she and her daughter will make their annual birthday visit to Disney World. “My daughter and I were both born in September, and ever since my granddaughter was born four years ago, we’ve been celebrating our birthdays here in Florida at Disney World,” Deborah explains.... READ MORE >

The Future In Facial Rejuvenation

As their oldest son was preparing to go away to college a few years ago, Andrea Demarco and her husband grew increasingly uncomfortable with the prospect of becoming empty nesters. So, they did something to ensure their nest stayed full. “We bought two dogs,” Andrea expounds. “One is a Siberian husky, and the other is a black German shepherd. We... READ MORE >

A Nonsurgical Approach To Resolving Back Pain

In 2008, after bank losses on subprime mortgages battered the US economy and forced foreclosures on millions of homes, real estate agent Al Keller saw an opportunity. Not to cash in on other’s misfortune, but to help those in crisis. “A lot of people were panic-stricken then,” Al remembers. “They were in serious trouble, filing for bankruptcy and having to... READ MORE >

When Antidepressants Aren’t Working …

Two weeks after celebrating her 12th birthday, Mary Beth* received what she stills considers “the best Christmas present ever”: a charcoal gray Welsh pony with a black mane and tail that she aptly named Smokey. “Oh, my gosh, he was beautiful,” Mary Beth remembers. “And he was so calm. He had a great temperament, so he was the perfect horse... READ MORE >

Reshape Your Body And Your Life

As she and her husband wrapped up dinner at their hotel four blocks from the Piazza del Duomo in Pisa, Italy, three summers ago, Daria* decided that she wanted to take one last look at the famous leaning tower before calling it a night. What the couple saw in that moment will live in their minds forever. “It was a... READ MORE >

Red-Light Therapy and Neuropathy: Illuminating a Path to Healing

Among the many ornaments Dawn Demperio hung on her Christmas tree last year was one with the New York Yankees’ iconic “NY” logo. Nearby, dangled a Yankees stocking. “I do that every year,” Dawn says of the Yankees-themed holiday decorations. “I also have a Yankees cup, a Yankees blanket, all kinds of Yankees things like that. My entire family is... READ MORE >

A Virtuoso In Smile Restorations

One of Colleen Dold’s most cherished keepsakes is a page of sheet music autographed by Doc Severinsen, the trumpeter best known for leading the NBC Orchestra on The Tonight Show Starring Johnny Carson. “I met him and actually had a trumpet lesson with him before a performance he did in Central Illinois in 2007,” Colleen explains. “After we went through... READ MORE >

A Stabilizing Solution For Spinal Stenosis

  They may never catch on quite like hoodies and ripped jeans, but custom-made, leather-backed, needlepoint belts are fashion accessories long considered hip around Lexington, Kentucky. “They’re popular in South Carolina, too, and I actually found some in a store in Martha’s Vineyard off Massachusetts,” says Sharon Gorgas. “But it’s mostly in Kentucky where you’ll find them. I know it’s... READ MORE >