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A New You With Body Sculpting Package

Specialty treatments take off weight and reduce inches around waist, hips, thighs and arms.

For several years, Kelly Cisewski and her husband conveniently worked for the same yacht-maker, Kelly in human resources and employee safety, her husband in another department. Then, COVID-19 hit in spring 2020.
“I think it was in March, after spring break, that our company was shut down because of the coronavirus,” Kelly informs.
“We were shut down for about a month. Then, after we went back, the yachts were no longer moving, they weren’t selling.
“That tends to happen with luxury items when the economy takes a downturn, so the company was sold. When the new owners came in, they didn’t want family members working together, so we decided that I would leave and my husband would stay.”
Kelly eventually found work as the safety manager for a manufacturing company. Since then, life at the Cisewski household has returned to normal. For Kelly, though, the journey back to normalcy required a little more work than anticipated.
“After being stuck at home because of COVID and having to deal with the stress of being laid off and trying to find another job, I wasn’t as active as I usually would be,” Kelly discloses. “Through all that, I wound up putting on a few pounds.
“As a mother of two and a wife, you spend a lot of your time focusing on everyone else. But after all of that, I decided to focus a little bit more on myself. So, I went along with a friend to an open house at Island Family Health.”

The Princess Package

Established by Nikolaos Kanellopoulos, MD, in 2018, Island Family Health provides primary care, family medical services and leading-edge aesthetic services such as medically supervised weight loss, medical aesthetics and body contouring.
It was the latter offering that lured Kelly to the practice.
“Kelly came to us as a typical mom with classic mom-like issues,” says Rania Dounos, the lead body contouring consultant at Island Family Health. “She wasn’t overweight. She just wanted to be a little more toned and to feel a little better about herself.”
To achieve those goals, Rania recommended Island Family Health’s Princess Package, which includes four sessions of EmSculpt® NEO, Cellutone®, BTL Emsella® chair and vibration plate as well as one custom FarmHouse Fresh® facial.
Ideally suited for people with a body mass index (BMI) less than 35, EmSculpt NEO is a nonsurgical body contouring treatment that eliminates stubborn fat and tones and strengthens muscle in the abdomen, buttocks, arms, calves and thighs.
EmSculpt NEO treatments are delivered through an applicator that emits rapid pulses of high-intensity electromagnetic and radiofrequency energy that heats the fat cells until they die or melt away. The lipids inside the fat are later released into the lymphatic system and excreted.
As the fat cells are treated, muscles in the targeted area are also heated, and a device on the applicator delivers the equivalent of thousands of contractions to those muscles in minutes. The contractions tone and strengthen the muscles.
Cellutone is a nonsurgical technological platform that reduces the appearance of cellulite and stretch marks by delivering painless high-frequency pulsed shockwaves to the targeted area through a mechanically vibrating applicator.
Cellutone treatments also expedite the process of lymphatic drainage, which is beneficial to Emsculpt NEO treatments. The procedure is completely noninvasive, painless, and requires no anesthesia or downtime.
The BTL Emsella chair is a treatment for urinary incontinence, which is an involuntary loss of urine typically caused by a weakening of the bladder or sphincter muscles in women who are pregnant, have had children or are going through menopause.
As its name suggests, the BTL Emsella chair is just that, a chair that patients sit on comfortably while fully clothed. The chair emits pulses of electromagnetic energy that contract and stimulate the muscles in the pelvic floor.
A vibration plate is a fitness tool that uses precision vibration to expedite weight loss by stimulating muscles, improving lymph flow, burning calories and increasing blood circulation and oxygenation.

“Fantastic” Results

“I went ahead and purchased the package, but I was very skeptical,” Kelly admits. “I didn’t think it would make much of a difference, but I knew I needed to be patient because Rania told me these are not treatments that provide instant results.
“She said it takes a little time before you really notice anything, and that’s exactly what happened with me. After four or six weeks, I could see that I was losing weight and inches and actually gaining muscle in the areas we targeted.”
Kelly focused on her midsection, buttocks and legs, and the results have been impressive. Since completing the treatments in the spring, she has lost more than 10 pounds and several inches around her waist, hips, thighs and arms.
Her BMI, which is a measurement of body fat based on height and weight, has dropped from 26.9 to 26.3.
“I look in the mirror every day now, and I feel fantastic,” Kelly raves. “I definitely see a difference in how I look and how my clothes fit. It’s given me a renewed sense of confidence. I have more energy, too. I really could not be more pleased with the results.”
Kelly is so pleased that she recently signed up for more sessions on the vibration plate. She also intends to get maintenance Emsculpt NEO and Cellutone treatments to help her keep off the pounds and inches.
“These treatments work,” Kelly concludes. “You just need to be patient. You’ll see changes early on, but after four or six weeks you’ll really start to notice a difference. If you’re like me, you’ll be really happy with the results.”

Nikolaos Kanellopoulos, MD

Family Medicine
Featured in A New You With Body Sculpting Package

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