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Tailored Training for Busy Lives: The 20 Minutes to Fitness Approach

Discover how Dr. McGill, a family medicine practitioner, integrates exercise into her busy schedule for overall well-being

JORDAN PYSZ / iFoundMyDoctor.com
Dr. McGill says she has gained noticeable strength from her 20 Minutes to Fitness workouts. She adds that the weekly sessions fit well into her schedule.

There was a brief moment during her early teens when Claire McGill thought she might want to become a veterinarian. But then her grandfather was diagnosed with cancer. That helped steer her in a different direction.

“I would say that definitely played a role,” the Florida native says of her ultimate decision to study human medicine, which she did at the Lincoln Memorial University DeBusk College of Osteopathic Medicine in Harrogate, Tennessee.

Following med school, Dr. McGill returned to Florida, where she completed her residency at Manatee Memorial Hospital in Bradenton in 2016. Since then, she’s been practicing family medicine in nearby Lakewood Ranch.

“I like the variety that family medicine offers,” the doctor says. “You get to do a little bit of everything rather than being focused on one specialty. You can also focus on preventive medicine, which for me is where the exercise comes in.”

Ah, yes. Exercise. As her practice and family began to grow a few years ago, this 34-year-old mother of one was finding it increasingly difficult to find the time necessary to stay in good shape.

“There was a time when I was really into that, but that was when I had a lot more time,” Dr. McGill offers. “So finally, a few years ago, I started searching the internet for different gym options, and one of the options I found was 20 Minutes to Fitness.

“It’s a program that’s a lot different than what you’ll find anywhere else, and being a physician, I decided to read a little bit more about it. The more I read, the more I thought that the idea behind it made a lot of sense, so I decided to give it a try.”

Tailored Training

At 20 Minutes to Fitness, clients train one-on-one with a nationally certified fitness coach, who creates and supervises an individualized exercise routine. The program is designed to do what the business name implies: achieve results through a weekly 20-minute session.

Workouts at 20 Minutes to Fitness are structured around an exercise method known as slow-cadence training. The coach guides the client’s pace and form as weights are lifted in ultraslow movements on highly specialized equipment. Each repetition takes approximately 20 seconds, thereby maximizing muscle performance.

The slow-paced movements create continuous tension on muscle fibers. This allows clients to benefit more than they would from a traditional strength-training regimens of three or four hours per week.

“While each repetition in a traditional workout lasts for one or two seconds up, then one or two seconds down, we stretch that out to a 10- to 12-second count,” says Blake, general manager at 20 Minutes to Fitness in downtown Sarasota, one of three Florida locations. “It’s a huge difference that achieves far better results.”

Each routine consists of six to seven exercises of two minutes each, with the goal being to reach what is known as peak performance. When muscles reach this level during strength training, blood flows to the site. That supercharges the body and helps it burn fat while it rebuilds and strengthens the muscle naturally.

“Participants get the maximum benefit through one 20-minute workout per week,” explains Angela Begin, part-owner of 20 Minutes to Fitness. “By going slowly, we get down deeper into the muscle fibers and force them to work at their peak performance. We work the entire body to keep it strong.”

-Angela Begin

The program has years of research and plenty of science behind its success. The equipment features a patented double-stacking system, where weight can be increased in increments of two pounds instead of the traditional five, 10 or 20. The equipment also is calibrated to work specific muscle groups without putting undue stress on joints or ligaments.

“We have clients who are planning to have hip or knee replacements, and their doctors refer them to us because they know we can help them build the muscle around those joints prior to surgery,” Angela says. “This allows for a quicker recovery after surgery. Some clients have been able to hold off on surgery altogether because they’ve built up the muscle around the joint and may no longer need surgery.”

Research shows that in addition to improving strength, slow-cadence training can improve the immune system and balance, increase energy, help control arthritis, add bone density (helping to prevent osteoporosis and osteopenia), fight symptoms of diabetes and reduce back pain.

“Most of our clients are people who want to get fit or stay fit and don’t have the time or don’t want to spend hours in a gym and possibly risk injury,” Angela adds. “They want a safe, quiet, private studio environment. That, and the opportunity to build back the muscle that people lose as they age, is what we offer.”

Angela points out that no client is too young or old.

“We have teenagers who come in as well as people in their 90s,” she observes. “We have clients who have never worked out and athletes. But no matter who you are, we build your strength from where you are today, which is why we encourage people to come in and learn about this unique system and try it out.

“We offer a complimentary orientation, with no obligation to continue, which is a great way to make an educated decision about whether 20 Minutes to Fitness will work for you.”

Experience the Benefits

Dr. McGill joined 20 Minutes to Fitness in 2020, about six weeks before COVID-19 forced a temporary shutdown. During her first few weeks of training, though, the doctor developed such a great appreciation for the program that she vowed to return when it reopened.

“As soon as they opened back up, I was right back at it because it’s a great program for general fitness, for maintaining or building up muscle tone and strength, and because exercise is a really big part of stress management,” she says.

“And the other thing, of course, is that it fits very well into my schedule, so it’s something I know I can easily stick with. I can go right after work, and the coaches are all very good. They do a great job of making sure you’re getting the most out of each workout.”

Dr. McGill says there are a couple of ways in which she can tell that she’s getting the most from her workouts. One is the steady increase in weight that the coaches ask her to move during her weekly sessions. The other is the ease in which she is now doing things she once thought she couldn’t.

“I have moved since I started doing the 20 Minutes to Fitness workouts, and there were things I was able to do on my own during that move that I know I would not have been able to do before,” she says. “So, I can definitely tell that I am much stronger than I was.

“And I know that I will continue to get stronger as time goes on, so I would absolutely recommend 20 Minutes to Fitness. In fact, I recommend it quite a bit to my patients, especially to those who I think it’s a good fit.

“I even keep a stack of their little business referral cards in my patient rooms, and they’re free for everyone to take if they wish.

“And I know that at least a few of my patients have taken them and started the program themselves just like I did.”

Travis Begin

Physical Fitness
Featured in Tailored Training for Busy Lives: The 20 Minutes to Fitness Approach

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