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Personalized Solutions for Peripheral Neuropathy: RealWave’s Approach

How RealWave Tailors Treatment Plans to Each Patient's Unique Needs

About 30 million Americans suffer from an often aggravating and sometimes debilitating condition called peripheral neuropathy. Typical symptoms are tingling, numbness and pain in the legs, feet, hands and arms, and David Zarek is among those millions who struggle with it. David, a law enforcement officer and security guard, began to experience symptoms of the condition several years ago after a series of back surgeries. He says the condition developed because of the eight-plus hours a day he spends on his feet at work as well as diabetes. Diabetes is the most common cause of peripheral neuropathy, which results in damage to the nerve fibers outside of the spinal cord and brain. However, there are more than 100 types of peripheral neuropathy and nearly as many causes. Peripheral neuropathy can also develop because of autoimmune disorders, chemotherapy and extended exposure to large quantities of certain toxins, including pesticides. Anyone who smokes regularly, drinks alcohol heavily or is obese is more susceptible to the condition. However, peripheral neuropathy can be treated, and one of the most advanced therapies is called RealWave®. It is a safe approach that uses a specially tuned ultrasound device to deliver focused energy directly to the affected areas. This treatment is only available at RealWave Neuropathy Treatment Centers, which recently added Seminole and Dunedin to five established locations in the Detroit area and four others in north Georgia. RealWave’s ultrasound stimulates efficient energy production in nerve cells. It also triggers regeneration in the axon, the portion of the nerve that carries electrical impulses, and in the myelin sheath, the protective sleeve wrapped around each axon. The ultrasound also increases blood flow to the area, improving the delivery of oxygen and nutrients to further support nerve healing. These effects allow the nerves to function more normally, relieving neuropathy symptoms.

David says he no longer has intolerable pain in his legs and feet since undergoing RealWave treatments.

Positive Outcomes Reported

At RealWave, treatment plans are personalized depending on the patient’s symptoms and type of neuropathy. Plans include evaluations and assessments of nerve conductivity and blood circulation, and typically call for patients to receive treatments twice a week for 12 weeks to achieve the best results. Outcomes vary depending on the cause of the neuropathy and symptoms, but the practice reports that 89 percent of treated patients see improvement within 12 weeks. RealWave further reports that half of its patients experience at least a 50 percent reduction in symptoms while one-third realize more than a 90 percent decrease. Throughout each patient’s treatment cycle, RealWave monitors progress by measuring blood flow and nerve conductivity in the affected areas. For patients seeking quicker results, RealWave can schedule daily appointments for the first two weeks. RealWave also offers occasional maintenance sessions to ensure ongoing relief. Treatments are covered by Medicare and many other insurance plans.

‘All the Difference’

The tingling, numbness and pain in David’s legs and feet began after his third back surgery. Those symptoms soon became so intense that he contemplated retirement. “My job really keeps me on the move,” he says. “It’s not unusual for me to spend my days running up and down stairs, walking across roofs and climbing ladders. That’s hard enough as it is, but the neuropathy was making it intolerable.” David first sought medical care for the problem from a podiatrist who explained that David’s pain and suffering was not the result of a problem with his feet but with peripheral neuropathy. She suggested he visit RealWave Neuropathy Treatment Centers. “She said it’s a wonderful new company and added that my insurance would cover the cost of the treatment,” David remembers. “So, I decided to give it a try. I’m glad I did. It’s made all the difference in the world to me.” During David’s first visit to RealWave, a nurse practitioner administered diagnostic tests to assess the nerve conductivity and blood circulation in his legs and feet. He was then placed on a treatment plan that included RealWave® ultrasound and RealPulse treatments. The latter treatment uses a form of low-wave mechanical energy that increases blood flow and amplifies the positive impact of the ultrasound treatment. It is especially beneficial for patients who are experiencing ongoing numbness, poor circulation, and nonhealing wounds. After just two sessions, David was already feeling a difference. “I started to notice that parts of my feet weren’t hurting as bad,” he says. “After that, I started getting progressively better as the weeks went by. These RealWave and RealPulse treatments have been nothing short of phenomenal for me. “I now go there roughly two times a week just because it makes me feel really good having the treatments. I especially love the RealPulse treatments. They kind of wake my feet up, and then the RealWave treatments soothe them. “I just can’t say enough great things about RealWave Neuropathy Treatment Centers. Since I started going there, I’ve found that I’m more capable of doing things I couldn’t do for a long time, so it’s been refreshing. It’s been wonderful, and it’s given me a new lease on life.

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