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A Natural Bypass Around Clogged Arteries

Noninvasive, painless EECP treatments improve blood flow to overcome coronary blockages


When the time came to choose a profession, Carl* followed in the footsteps of his most influential role model. Like his maternal grandfather before him, Carl persevered through cascades of sawdust, honed his skills and became a master carpenter and cabinet maker.

“As a young man, I worked alongside my grandfather in his woodshop,” Carl elaborates. “He taught me everything there is to know about building and installing custom cabinets according to the customer’s wishes. He also taught me the finer details of working with wood and using the tools of the trade, including all types of saws, sanders, drills and lathes.”

For more than 40 years, Carl owned and operated a successful carpentry and cabinet-making business in Central Pennsylvania. After he retired in 2019, he relocated to Florida, where he’s enjoying the balmy winters and perpetual sunshine.

“I’d had enough of the dreariness, enough of having to constantly shovel snow for four months out of the year and chop cords of wood for the fireplace,” the 76-year-old admits. “My wife had several relatives living in Florida, and we liked the state when we visited during vacations, so we chose to make it our retirement home.”

After retiring, Carl continued to do small carpentry jobs for close friends and relatives, but he was forced into complete retirement when he suffered a serious heart attack in May 2023. The event left him feeling constantly tired and weak.

“The heart attack was over, but I still felt some tightness and pain in my chest during activities such as golfing and walking,” he relates. “I had no energy and was often short of breath. I couldn’t even walk to the mailbox at the end of my driveway without stopping to catch my breath. I was so weak I couldn’t even walk my dog. My wife had to do it.

“After the heart attack, my doctor told me three arteries surrounding my heart were almost completely blocked. He placed stents to open up those arteries, but my symptoms persisted. I wasn’t a suitable candidate for bypass surgery, so my doctor recommended a treatment called EECP to improve my circulation and restore my energy. For that, he referred me to Dr. Amarchand.”

Boosting Circulation

L. Amarchand, MD, FACP, is a cardiologist and internist in Brooksville. At his practice, Dr. Amarchand offers EECP, or enhanced external counterpulsation, an alternative to surgery for relieving symptoms such as chest pain and shortness of breath.

EECP is a safe, noninvasive, circulation-boosting technique to treat patients with heart disorders such as congestive heart failure, blocked coronary arteries and angina pain. Using EECP, Dr. Amarchand has a record of success in maintaining his patients’ heart health and independence.

During his initial examination of Carl, Dr. Amarchand learned that the source of Carl’s problems was a lack of oxygenated blood flowing through his heart due to the blockages in his coronary arteries. That situation can cause symptoms such as a loss of energy, shortness of breath, a tightening or pressure in the chest, and weakness.

“As these symptoms get progressively worse, it is not unusual for people to restrict their activities to reduce their discomfort,” Dr. Amarchand notes. “As a result, their quality of life quickly diminishes. That is what happened with Carl.

“EECP can reverse these symptoms by working like a natural bypass procedure. Through the use of EECP, more than 12 million Americans have found relief from their symptoms, had their energy restored and received other benefits.”

EECP is delivered through a series of 35 hourlong sessions over seven weeks. During an EECP session, the patient reclines, fully clothed, on a cushioned table while listening to music or watching a movie.

Compression cuffs are wrapped around the patient’s calves, thighs and buttocks to apply pressure in rhythms carefully timed to the patient’s heartbeat.

“The pressure propels more blood upward and into the coronary arteries, enlarging the arteries and improving collateral circulation,” Dr. Amarchand explains. “It helps the patient’s circulatory system bypass coronary artery blockages and opens up the underused collateral blood vessels.”

The basic principle is to increase blood flow to the heart during the diastolic phase of the cardiac cycle, when the heart is at rest between beats. By inflating the cuffs during diastole, EECP increases blood flow to the coronary arteries, enhancing oxygen supply to the heart.

“The treatment isn’t painful at all,” Carl assures. “Actually, it’s kind of relaxing. I often fell asleep during my sessions. Other times, I just watched TV or a movie until the treatment was over.”

EECP is the perfect option for individuals who want to try a noninvasive procedure before resorting to open heart surgery, says Dr. Amarchand. It’s also good for those who have not achieved relief with prior surgical procedures such as a bypass or angioplasty or for patients who aren’t candidates for surgery.

“According to studies done on the procedure, 85 percent of patients completing EECP treatments obtain substantial and sometimes dramatic relief from their heart-related symptoms,” Dr. Amarchand reports. “The same percentage realizes increased exercise tolerance, mental alertness and reduced need for nitroglycerin to relieve angina pain.”

EECP is FDA-approved and Medicare reimbursed. And because it is noninvasive, it can be repeated as often as needed, according to Dr. Amarchand, who says the beneficial results can last three to five years.

Dr. Amarchand’s practice partner, Dr. Tong Guo, is an EECP pioneer who administers the treatments.

Dramatic Improvement

Carl started to feel better about halfway through his course of EECP treatments, but Dr. Amarchand encouraged him to undergo all 35 sessions to achieve the best results. By the time his treatment was complete, Carl felt like a new man.

“I’m amazed by how much energy I have now, and my shortness of breath has improved dramatically,” Carl enthuses. “I can take my dog for long walks now, and sometimes he gets tired before I do. And I don’t have to constantly stop to catch my breath.


“The tightness and pain in my chest is gone as well, so I’ve been able to return to the golf course. I generally use a riding cart when I golf, but I’m impressed by how good I feel when I’m swinging the golf clubs and walking up to my ball. I’m overjoyed with the results.”

Carl is also overjoyed with Dr. Amarchand and his staff. He gives them high grades for their expertise and compassion.

“Dr. Amarchand is great,” Carl raves. “He’s extremely knowledgeable and can solve whatever heart problems his patients experience. He really cares about his patients, which I think is wonderful. He and Dr. Guo are topnotch doctors. I’ve never seen two better physicians.

“And the staff at the office is wonderful to me. They answer all my questions and are very helpful when scheduling my appointments. I highly recommend Dr. Amarchand and EECP because he’s an excellent doctor and EECP is an excellent treatment.”

* Patient’s name changed at his request.

L. Amarchand, MD, FACP

Featured in A Natural Bypass Around Clogged Arteries

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