Advanced Dental Solutions: Implant-Secured Dentures for Improved Stability

The Aesthetic Quality of Dentures Crafted at Park Avenue Dentistry

Despite holding down several jobs, John Alden never had much money while attending college. During his final semester, after his financial situation turned dire, John applied for and accepted a ground job with a major airline. “I worked ground jobs for the airline for several years,” the 80-year-old native of Medina, Ohio, remembers. “But eventually, I was promoted into their […]

The iStent inject: Revolutionizing Glaucoma Management

A Tiny Device with a Big Impact on Controlling Intraocular Pressure

Bill Farrell was still just a youngster when he first showed off his management skills. “As a kid, I worked as an assistant manager for Bradlees Department Store in Boston,” the 76-year-old details. “I moved around to different areas until Bradlees closed down. After that, I moved to New York.” In New York, Bill worked in management positions for several […]