Regenerative Medicine: ‘Just What I Needed’

A nonsurgical solution for engineer’s long-running battle with ankle pain.

The first stop John McHugh made after he was released from the hospital following a two-week stay to correct a life-threatening heart problem was the nearest liquor store. For years, John prioritized alcohol over everything else and nearly destroyed his life in doing so. Then, one day, while homeless and sleeping near the Cliff House in San Francisco’s Golden Gate […]

Optometrist Expands Role With Practice

Dry eye and contacts specialist appreciates life-work balance of her profession

Since childhood, Diane Kerris, OD, has had a passion for health care. And with several health professionals in her family tree, it seemed natural that she also would pursue a career in the field. “I’ve known since I was a little girl when I played doctor with my stuffed animals that I wanted to be a doctor,” Dr. Kerris shares. […]