Dental Implants Keep Lower Denture Secured

After a broken tooth, gum infection, extractions and loose denture, her two-year dental odyssey ends.

Donna Wallace turned her affinity for numbers into a career. After earning a two-year degree in accounting from Oakland University in suburban Detroit, Donna held accounting positions at several companies in her native Michigan. “I chose accounting because I like numbers,” explains Donna, 82. “I like math and did very well in math in high school. I retired from the […]

Laser Therapy Kills Lingering Toenail Fungus

Painless PinPointe therapy is podiatrist’s “weapon of choice.”

After winning her nearly two-year battle with cancer, Sally* celebrated in part by moving from North Carolina to Florida, where she and her husband recently found a waterside home that they fell in love with at first sight. Unfortunately, Sally resettled still bearing scars left by her cancer treatment. Though her hair grew back, a toenail that fell off during […]

Some Meds Can Cause Hearing, Balance Woes

You likely haven’t heard of ototoxicity, a common auditory and vestibular disorder.

In 1944, while discovering that a recently isolated antibiotic called streptomycin could wipe out tuberculosis, doctors learned that many of the patients who received the medication were left with irreversible cochlear and vestibular dysfunction. It wasn’t the first time a medication had been found to cause such damaging side effects. A century earlier, doctors found that high levels of aspirin […]

Cold Feet? Therapy Puts Out Neuropathy Fire

Treatments rebuild damaged nerves that cause feelings of cold and heat in extremities.

Many an artist has attempted to recreate or put their own spin on a beloved masterpiece such as Vincent van Gogh’s, The Starry Night. Few have tried to recreate that treasure on a medium as unique as the one Eris Dietz chose. “I painted it on a conch shell,” Eris says proudly. “I call it, Starry Starry Explosion. I really […]

These Injections Can Resolve Your E.D.

Erectile dysfunction with comorbidities requires treatment that optimizes sexual and overall health.

Logan* attended college to become a construction manager, joining a field in which he long had an interest. His schooling included a degree in business and finance from Cornell University in New York. He then built a career as a real estate developer and established a construction management firm. “My company works on major projects,” Logan describes. “We’ve built apartment […]

Wound VAC Prompts Healing Of Hip Infection

Specialized in-home treatments help close seeping pressure ulcer.

More than a third of the 20 years that Judy* spent as an Air Force nurse were abroad, in faraway places such as Thailand, Turkey and Europe. Judy says she learned a valuable life lesson during those extended stays. “I learned that God doesn’t have favorites,” Judy reasons. “The whole world is beautiful, and everywhere you go, there are very […]

Multifocal IOL Options For Cataract Patients

Latest intraocular lenses can make you glasses-free – even if you’ve undergone LASIK or PRK.

In the first 10 months of 2022, the Flagler Humane Society returned 465 pets to their rightful owners and found homes for more than 1,500 other lost or abandoned animals. Amy Carotenuto can’t help but be proud of those numbers. Now in her 38th year in animal welfare, Amy is the executive director of the local nonprofit, which provides shelter, […]

Treatments For AMD Continue To Evolve

Early detection of macular degeneration is key to avoiding severe vision loss.

The retina, which is the light-sensitive layer of nerve tissue lining the back of the eye, is essential for vision. When light hits the retina, it triggers impulses that travel through the optic nerve to the brain, where the visual images are formed. “People’s sharpest vision is controlled by a small area at the center of the retina called the […]