Crystal Clear Vision After Cataract Removal

The latest intraocular lens replacement can make you glasses-free.

During the 30-odd years that they were together, the Quarternotes played their brand of adult dance music at weddings, parties and just about every fraternal hall on Florida’s Upper East Coast with an animal skin hanging on a wall. “That was the running joke among the boys in the band,” bassist Mike Wilson says. “We also played car shows and […]

A Short Discourse On Down Syndrome

All cells in your body contain genes, which are made up of DNA, the molecule that holds the instructions for how your body grows, works and looks. Genes are contained in tiny, spaghetti-like structures called chromosomes inside the cell’s nucleus. Typically, there are 46 chromosomes in each cell, 23 that are passed on from your mother and 23 from your […]