Professional Help Is Key With Hearing Aids

Proper care in fitting devices saves woman from self-isolation.

It’s never a good thing to keep secrets from your spouse. Marianne Brown had no choice. When your job is to coordinate highly classified military proposals from the federal government, there are some things you just can’t share with others. “It was very interesting work, but I could never talk about it with my husband or anyone else,” says Marianne, […]

Scaly, Itchy Legs? Is it Stasis Dermatitis?

Venous insufficiency doesn't always present with varicose veins.

Developed by the Department of Defense to measure prospective enlistees’ knowledge and skills, the Armed Services Vocational Aptitude Battery (ASVAB) helps identify an individual’s potential for training and success in the military. As a teen, Dennis Arnold scored extremely high on the exam and was told he could have his pick of duty assignments. Unfortunately, his first choice wasn’t unavailable. […]

Radiofrequency Heat Halts Arthritic Pain

Nonsurgical ablation technique relieves excruciating back pain.

As a professional artist, Ron Reams is passionate about his painting and drawing. After seeing one of his pen-and-inks, a publishing company solicited him to illustrate a book while he was still in high school. “The book is called American History in Verse,” elaborates Ron, 66. “It was written by John Van Duyn Southworth in 1976.” Ron is a visual […]

Heritage Waterside

Heritage Waterside is a one-of-a-kind independent living, assisted living and memory care community that offers residents the luxurious lifestyle they desire and the personal care they deserve. 

Let’s Learn About Lyme Disease

Lyme disease is an infectious disease caused by the bacterium Borrelia burgdorferi and, in rare instances, Borrelia mayonii. These bacteria are transmitted to humans through the bite of infected blacklegged ticks, also known as deer ticks. These ticks become infected after feeding on infected animals such as deer, birds and mice. Once a deer tick bites you, it must stay […]