Dr. Kai Mcgreevy standing next to one of his diagmostic machines.

Seeing The Big Picture

Neurologist’s integrative philosophy produces best treatment plans.

Board-certified neurologist and pain management specialist Kai McGreevy, MD, founded McGreevy NeuroHealth in 2015 in an effort to deliver patients from the pain and discomfort that keeps them from fully participating in life. With offices in St. Augustine and Palm Coast, Dr. McGreevy uses his expertise to create winning game plans that address his patients’ most pressing issues, most of […]

The Scoop on Group B Strep

Group B Streptococci, or group B strep (GBS), are bacteria that naturally live in your body’s gastrointestinal, urinary and reproductive systems. In most cases, these bacteria come and go and are harmless. They don’t cause you to feel sick or experience symptoms. But for some infants and adults with certain medical conditions, GBS can cause a serious illness called GBS […]